Hey guys.
So not the type of blog post I wanted to be writing today. However, I have a platform and id quite like to use it.
So, its surfaced on Instagram today, that women DJs are still being subject to misogynistic, and harmful comments on the internet on their mixes. Why? Why is this still the case. Were living in 2023!! Not 1923!!!!! It should be the case where we are celebrating women in the music industry for their successes, not tearing them down at every single opportunity we get!!! I thought the days of that were over to be honest, however it still continues to be a prevalent problem. Women have as many rights as men do to be behind those decks. It isn’t just a male dominated industry!!! Women can and do DJ, and this needs to be hammered home across all social platforms. However, it is not just in music either.
Motorsport fans, especially in F1 are being subject to “oh so you’re a DTS fan. Not a real fan of the sport” comments on social media, and it’s getting so old now. The “women only watch F1 because of the drivers” comments anger me as well. We watch F1 as women, not only for the driving, but for the friendships we make along the way. Us women deserve so so so so so much better than what we are getting online sometimes from some people, and I think it is time that social media platforms such as twitter Facebook and Instagram are held accountable when such comments are being allowed to slide under the “harmful comments” net. Some of the comments, especially towards some fan groups, are unacceptable at times. Posts too. Sometimes, I feel like the newer fans are being pushed out of the sport, because of the misogyny, and all the hate towards them because they loved the sport in a different way. They wanted to get in to the sport a different way. But some people just wanted to tear them down and make them not feel welcome!!!
Just wanna shoutout my favourite female vocalists, DJs (radio and otherwise) and content creators who deserve some love. And also, my very good female friends, and family.
Coco Cole (instagram.com/cococole)
Charlie Powell (instagram.com/charliepowelldj
Girls Don’t Sync (instagram.com/girlsdontsync)
Matty Chiabi (Instagram.com/mattychiabi)
Alex Hosking (instagram.com/alexandrahosking)
Zofia (instagram.com/zofiadj)
Meg McHugh (Instagram.com/iammegmchugh)
Sash Sings (instagram.com/sashsings)
F1Toni (on TikTok)
Lucy my very good friend (lastlaplucy on socials)
Fellow formula E Team Superfan Kelsey who is an exceptional friend of mine
Mum, for being one amazing human and rave buddy.
My sisters for being amazing.
And finally, all my female social media followers for being awesome people to be friends with, and also supporting me massively to celebrate my goals and everything I have achieved.
I love you all, and really hope I don’t have to type anything like this again. It really peeves me when some (not all) men think that they can try to bring women down with comments they make sometimes.
Love you all.